

Attack Surface

Attack Surface What is an Attack Surface? An attack surface refers to all the different points where an unauthorized …

Access Control

Access Control What is Access Control Access control in cybersecurity is a way to decide who can use certain resources …

Account Takeover (ATO)

Account Takeover (ATO) What are Account Takeover Attacks Account Takeovers are a type of attack where cybercriminal …


Breach Intelligence

Breach Intelligence What is Breach Intelligence? Breach Intelligence is a subset of threat intelligence focused on …

Brand Intelligence

Brand Intelligence What is Brand Intelligence? Brand Intelligence is a type of threat intelligence focused on the …

Brand Monitoring

Brand Monitoring What is Brand Monitoring? In the context of cybersecurity, brand monitoring enables organizations to …

Brand Protection

Brand Protection What is Brand Protection Brand protection is the process of preventing others from illegally using your …


Cybersecurity Attack

Cybersecurity Attack What is a Cybersecurity Attack? A cybersecurity attack is when bad actors try to break into a …


Digital Executive Protection

Digital Executive Protection What is digital executive protection? Digital executive protection involves protecting the …


Doxing What is doxing? Doxing (also spelled “doxxing”) is short for “dropping documents” and refers to the act of …

Digital Risk Protection

Digital Risk Protection What is Digital Risk Protection? Digital Risk Protection (DRP) is a set of strategies and tools …

Domain Spoofing

Domain Spoofing What is Domain Spoofing? Domain spoofing is a type of attack where a threat actor creates a fake website …

Domain Monitoring

Domain Monitoring What is Domain Monitoring? Domain monitoring is the cybersecurity practice of monitoring an …

Domain Protection

Domain Protection What is Domain Protection? Domain protection involves securing a website’s domain name from various …

Dark Web Threat Intelligence

Dark Web Threat Intelligence What is Dark Web Threat Intelligence Dark Web Threat Intelligence refers to the process of …


Email Spoofing

Email Spoofing What is Email Spoofing Email spoofing is when someone sends an email that looks like it came from a …

External Cybersecurity

External Cybersecurity What is External Cybersecurity? External cybersecurity focuses on protecting an organization’s …

External Threat Intelligence Services

External Threat Intelligence Services What are External Threat Intelligence Services? External Threat Intelligence …


Fraud Detection

Fraud Detection What is Fraud Detection? Fraud detection is the process of identifying and preventing fraudulent …


Geopolitical Intelligence

Geopolitical Intelligence What is Geopolitical Intelligence? Geopolitical intelligence is curated information about …


InfoStealer Malware

InfoStealer Malware What is InfoStealer Malware? InfoStealers are a type of malware designed to secretly collect and …

Impersonation Attacks

Impersonation Attacks What Is an Impersonation Attack? An impersonation attack is a type of cyber attack where an …

Information Leakage

Information Leakage What is Information Leakage Information leakage refers to the unintended or unauthorized …



Keylogger What is a keylogger? A keylogger is a type of malicious software or hardware that records everything you type …


Leaked Credentials

Leaked Credentials What are leaked credentials? Leaked credentials are usernames, passwords, and other authentication …



MTTR What is MTTR? MTTR stands for Mean Time to Respond and measures the average time it takes for a security team to …

Malware Intelligence

Malware Intelligence What is Malware Intelligence? Malware intelligence is a type of threat intelligence focused on …


Open Source Intelligence

Open Source Intelligence What is Open Source Intelligence? Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) is a type of threat …


Phishing Campaign

Phishing Campaign What is a Phishing Campaign? A phishing campaign is a scam where threat actors send fraudulent …



Ransomware What is ransomware? Ransomware is a type of malicious software (malware) that locks or encrypts your computer …


Social Media Risk

Social Media Risk Social Media in Cyber Threat Intelligence While businesses often leverage their social media presence …

Spoofing Emails

Spoofing Emails What is Email Spoofing? Email spoofing is when someone sends an email that looks like it’s from a …

Supply Chain Intelligence

Supply Chain Intelligence What is Supply Chain Intelligence? Supply chain intelligence is a type of threat intelligence …


Threat Intelligence Tools

Threat Intelligence Tools What Are Threat Intelligence Tools? Threat intelligence tools are software and services that …

Threat Intelligence Platform (TIP)

Threat Intelligence Platform What is a Threat Intelligence Platform (TIP)? A Threat Intelligence Platform (TIP) is a …


Vulnerability Intelligence

Vulnerability Intelligence What is Vulnerability Intelligence? Vulnerability intelligence is a form of threat …


Whale Phishing

Whale Phishing What is a whale phishing attack? A whale phishing attack, also known as whaling, is a type of phishing …


Zero Day Exploit

Zero Day Exploit What does zero-day mean? A zero-day (also known as 0-day) refers to a vulnerability that is unknown to …